Core Data Organizational Units

Overview Importing This File
Video Explaining This File What Data Can Be Upated
Populating This File Products That Use This File
Next: Academic Terms



This file establishes the organizational structure to be used for access and reporting. 

The organizational chart may include both academic affairs and student affairs depending on how your products are licensed. The units should represent the “lived” experience on campus and describe offices rather that people (this is not a human resources organizational chart). Think about where your reporting needs lie, along with your identified goals. Discuss what units your campus needs with your onboarding consultant.


Video Explaining Organizational Units


Best Practices for Populating Organizational Units

However, the initial file that you load manually can be created from a script and should reflect data found in the SIS.

OrgUnitIdentifier source

The unique organizational unit identifiers defined in this file are used to link courses, sections, and academic programs to their appropriate organizational units. If a particular organizational unit is intended to link to any other file, its identifier MUST be present in the SIS in a way that can be mapped to the courses, sections, and academic programs. Before you build your organizational units, assess what types of identifiers are linked to your course and section data. These stipulations do not apply to any organizational units that are not intended to contain courses.


Levels and Parentage

Because this file establishes a hierarchical structure, each organizational unit must have a parent identifier linking it to the unit to which it belongs. Each level of the hierarchy also has a type, defined by an enumerated value as listed in the data dictionary. An organizational unit can be the parent unit of a unit with the same type.

Only one unit should be labeled with the Type Institution, and only the Institution Organizational Unit should have a blank field for the Parent Identifier column.  All other Organizational Units will need to have that field populated.

If you are building this file from a script, each unit will need to map to its parent in the SIS or be defined by case statements. 


Suggested SIS Tables

Important Information About Importing This File

Import Order

Organizational Units must be sent and uploaded BEFORE any other course data is sent to Core Data.


What Data Can Be Upated

Once an Organizational Unit has been created it cannot be deleted.  It is important to have your Organizational Unit file as accurate as possible before it is imported.  The name, acronym, parent identifier and type of a unit can be updated by importing an updated file with the new information.


Products that use Organizational Units

Product Required Optional Not Applicable
Baseline - Rubrics     2000px-Checkmark_black.png
Beacon   2000px-Checkmark_green.svg.png   
Engage     2000px-Checkmark_black.png
Evaluate 2000px-Checkmark_green.svg.png    
Insight   2000px-Checkmark_green.svg.png   
Outcomes 2000px-Checkmark_green.svg.png    
Planning     2000px-Checkmark_black.png


Requirements for populating this file can be found in the Core Data Dictionary.

Next:  Academic Terms

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