Overview | Importing This File |
Video Explaining This File | What Data Can Be Updated |
Populating This File | Products That Use This File |
Next: Demographics |
This file builds academic programs that include courses from across organizational units providing more flexible reporting in Outcomes and Insight. It should not be automated, because removing courses from a program can affect historical data. Depending on how your program data is stored in the SIS, it may be possible to script the file for manual import, but many campuses need to manually build this file.
Video Explaining the Academic Programs File
Best Practices for Populating Academic Programs
When building your Academic Programs file, consider what programs are needed for analysis in your Outcomes and/or Insight product. Work with your consultant and functional leaders on campus to determine the best approach.
Data Relationships
The Academic Programs file references two other identifiers that are defined in other files: CourseIdentifier and OrgUnitIdentifier. These identifiers must either be present on program tables or be able to be mapped through another table or view to match the identifiers used in the Sections and Accounts files.
Pivoting CourseIdentifiers
Each record on the Academic Programs file defines an individual program, without CourseIdentifiers listed out in a variable number of columns. the SIS stores each course associated with a program on its own record, so the script will need to pivot this data from a derived table that assigns each CourseIdentifier a row number partitioned by program.
CourseIdentifier Duplicates
Duplicate course identifiers in a single Academic Program causes the file to fail. Be sure that your script only selects distinct courses for any given program. Courses can, however, belong to multiple programs.
Suggested SIS Tables
Important Information About Importing This File
Import Order
The Academic Programs file must be imported after the Courses file.
What Data Can Be Updated
Updating the Courses that are in an Academic Program
In order to add or remove courses from an Academic Program you will need to import a new file using the ID and Name of the Academic Program and then ONLY the courses you would like to be included in the program moving forward. Any courses that were previously a part of the program and are not included as a part of the program in the new file will be removed from the program.
Adding New Academic Programs
To create a new Academic Program import a new file with a new ID and Name along with the associated courses. You do not need to include ALL Academic Programs in the file.
Products That Use the Academic Programs File
Product | Required | Optional | Not Applicable |
Baseline - Rubrics | |||
Beacon | |||
Engage | |||
Evaluate | |||
Insight | |||
Outcomes | |||
Planning |
Requirements for populating this file can be found in the Core Data Dictionary.