Accreditation and Credentials Role Description

This article provides a description of the following roles

  • Accreditation/Credentials Primary Contact
  • Accreditation/Credentials Site Admin
  • Credentials Administrator

Accreditation/CredentialsPrimary Contact   

What are the responsibilities of an Accreditation Primary Contact?   

The primary contact is often the person on campus responsible for organizational efforts and completion of the accreditation response. This person will set the direction for the established collaboration process for the accreditation narrative response overall and with consideration of the toolset.  

 On other Campuses, who has been an Accreditation Primary Contact?   

Primary Contacts have held titles such as Director of Assessment, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation Liaison.  

What is the level of involvement and time commitment of an Accreditation Primary Contact in onboarding and implementation?     


Technical Implementation   

Implementation Training   


On-going Support 






   The onboarding process will include a review of campus goals and accreditation body requirements. Primary Contacts will then attend 1-3 training sessions. After each training they will complete specific steps to configure their Accreditation site and meet with their Campus Labs consultant. The complexity of technical implementation is dependent on whether or not the campus decides to utilize the Faculty Credentials tool. This primary contact typically oversees the vision for both toolsets for the goal of accreditation reporting.  

  What is the level of involvement and time commitment of an Accreditation Primary Contact after launch?   

The Primary Contact will be a contact point on campus for users as well as a contact point for Campus Labs regarding check-ins, product updates, and product communications. This person will also be the point of contact for the submission process for archiving your accreditation site and follow-up on the completion of link-checks as we prepare the site for archive.     


Accreditation Site Administrator   

What are the responsibilities of an Accreditation Site Administrator?   

The site administrators is often the person who oversees the organization and process management of the accreditation response. This person will oversee the collaboration process for the accreditation narrative response overall and with consideration of the toolset. This person may also track progress on completion and hold individual campus members accountable to deadlines and progress indicators in support of the primary contact and overall goals for accreditation narrative completion set by the institution.  

 On other Campuses, who has been an Accreditation Site Administrator?   

Site Administrators have held titles such as Director of Assessment, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation Liaison, or a supporting staff member involved in the Accreditation process.  

What is the level of involvement and time commitment of an Accreditation Site Administrator in onboarding and implementation?     


Technical Implementation   

Implementation Training   


On-going Support 






  The onboarding process will include a review of campus goals and accreditation body requirements. Site Administrators will then attend 1-3 training sessions. After each training they will complete specific steps to configure their Accreditation site and meet with their Campus Labs consultant.  

 What is the level of involvement and time commitment of an Accreditation Site Administrator after launch?   

The Site Administrator will be a contact point on campus for users as well as a contact point for Campus Labs regarding check-ins, product updates, and product communications.  This person will have oversite to all functionality of the tool and manage permissions and resources within the tool. 


Credential Administrator 

What are the responsibilities of a Credentials Administrator?   

The credentials administrator is often the person on campus responsible for organizational efforts and completion of the faulty credentials roster as it pertains to submission to your accrediting body. Some institutions will also use this as an ongoing resource reference for faculty credentials. This person will set the direction for the established collaboration process for the maintenance of the faculty credentials data and sharing of this data with Campus Labs. This may be done  

 On other Campuses, who has been aCredentials Administrator?   

Primary Contacts have held titles such as Registrar, Faculty Coordinator, Director of Assessment, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation Liaison. This person is often already responsible for the data tracking of faculty credentials on campus and supports the transition of this data/process in to the Campus Labs toolset. This person is often different than the other Accreditation contacts and may have a more data focused or specifically relevant role on campus.  

    What is the level of involvement and time commitment of an Accreditation Primary Contact in onboarding and implementation?     


Technical Implementation   

Implementation Training   


On-going Support 






   The onboarding process will include a review of campus goals and accreditation body requirements around faculty credentials. Credentials Administrators will then attend 1-3 training sessions. After each training they will complete specific steps to configure their credentials data files for sharing and review these with their consultant and Campus Labs support team members specifically trained on the credentials process.  

 What is the level of involvement and time commitment of the Credentials Administrator after launch?   

The Credentials Administrator will be responsible for updates of the credentials data files shared with Campus Labs based on the goals of the upkeep and accreditation cycle of each individual campus.

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