This resource is meant to give an overview and understanding of the Technical Implementation processes used to stand up your Campus Labs Solutions. At the end of the Technical Implementation process, with support from the Anthology Technical Implementation team, your Anthology Platforms will be fully populated with your campus's data. Allowing you to use the tools within our platform to their full potential. Once the Technical Implementation is complete, your institution will be transitioned to an Onboarding Consultant who will assist with front end configuration and training.
Preparation and Resources
During Technical Implementation, we will need to accomplish the following tasks:
- Begin to assess and analyze the technical needs of your institution
- Identify roles on campus for Authentication Coordination, Data Management and LMS Administration
- Identify important deadlines to determine timelines
- Provide technical documentation
- Assign initial action items and initiate implementation
Expected resource roles required for Technical Implementation:
Role |
Responsibility |
Authentication Coordinator |
A representative from your campus with knowledge of your Network and identity management system should be available to fill this role during the early stages of Technical Implementation. This person will work with the Authentication Specialist to authenticate your campus user records with the Campus Labs Platform. |
Data Manager(s)* |
Responsible for preparing, transferring, and managing the updates of the core data files. The person in this role must have a thorough understanding of the selected exchange type (sFTP, API or Manual) as well as have access and familiarity with the SIS, EPR or other source system which data will be extracted from. |
LMS administrator (OPTIONAL) |
Access to install modules within your LMS. - Applicable to campuses with Rubrics or Course Evaluations. |
API Programmer (OPTIONAL) |
Experience with web services and knowledge of data exchange methods and can create API exchange for your campus. - optional applications within Core Data, Engage, Outcomes, and Beacon. |
*Only required for Core Data Implementations
Technical Implementation
Technical implementation can be made up of up to three phases; Authentication, Data Transfers and LMS Integration/LTI Set Up. Below is a brief description of each of these phases. For more detail on any of these phases, click on the links provided below.
Authentication (est. 3 weeks)
The process of Authentication will allow your users to sign into Anthology applications using credentials maintained in your institution identity management system. During this phase of implementation, an Authentication Specialist will work with an IT representative from your campus to complete the Authentication Integration Worksheet, and configure your Anthology Platform to authenticate against the selected method. Once this phase is complete, users will be able to access the application(s) using the same credentials they use to access other systems managed by your institution. *Authentication must be complete before we can set up any applications.
Required Data Imports
(est. 6-10 weeks) *for full implementation of all imports
*Technical Onboarding Consultant will help you determine a timeline for the rollout of each file type. Most of the Anthology solutions require data to be imported before the application can be used in a meaningful way. Data is usually extracted from a SIS (Student Information System) or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System, formatted based on specifications, and then imported into your application manually, via SFTP, or via API.
Several of our products require Core Data. The Core Data exchange process enables an institution to send basic, large data sets to the Anthology platform in order to establish user accounts and user information that will be used for data insight and reporting. There are three sets of data that are collected in Core Data:
In addition to Core Data, you may also have requirements to import solution specific data to meet the goals of your implementation. Below is a list of solution specific imports you may be required to import:
- Beacon Connections
- Beacon Photos
- Engage Accounts and Demographics
- Credentials Imports
- Baseline Accounts and Permissions
- Predictive model
- Chalk and Wire
- Course Evaluations
Data Transfer Methods *Not all Data Transfer Methods are available for all products
I. Scheduled file import via Secure File Transport Protocol (sFTP)
Allows institutions to send large data sets to the platform by saving .CSV "flat" files into an Anthology hosted directory via a SFTP connection. The institution must provide the data in the file format indicated along with a manifest file (.done file) which indicates to the platform that the data file is complete and ready to be imported. Once the data and manifest files are saved to the directory, the platform processes the file and incorporates the information into its data set.
II. Web service & API endpoints
A more advanced method, requiring proficient campus IT professionals, which allows both bulk and individual field loading of data to the platform via secure, scheduled transactions over the internet. Each data type endpoint offers the ability to create, retrieve, and update the data. This additional, fine toothed control of each data type offers institutions ultimate flexibility in the delivery and management of core data in the platform.
III. Manual file uploads
This method requires a user to import the data via a web interface.
For information on requirements need on campus for Data Transfer, please see the following solution specific documentation:
LTI Set Up – LMS Integration (optional) (est. 4 weeks)
Anthology tools have the ability to share authentication with an LMS via LTI.
After receiving a domain, key and secret, the LTI configuration will be completed by your institution’s IT resources, with instructions provided by Anthology.
For specific information regarding LMS Integration please review the instructions specific to your LMS:
- Rubrics/Course Evaluations/Beacon
- Course Evaluations
- Chalk and Wire
Professional Services
Whether you are a current Member Campus or in the process of becoming one, let us help you take the guesswork out of your data. Our signature data integration service consists of a data audit and review which is formalized through a report and recommendations. We’ll follow through with the development of detailed data mapping and the creation of programs to extract data in the format required for the Anthology platform.
View our professional service offerings here.
Technical Implementation Requirements by Solution
Our Technical Implementation team has provides as a quick reference guide to identify the data requirements for each Anthology solution. Please use this guide as a reference and download the document below. This document will help navigate Data Governance and it will provide an overview to help understand the requirements that your Campus IT team will have to reference.